Training Positions For VIC

Trainee Positions At Austin Health

Austin Health
145 Studley Rd, Heidelberg
VIC, 3084

Contact Details

Prof Vincent Thijs
Phone : (03)9496 2910
www :


Training Positions : Three Full time, One Part time (20 weeks)
Elective Training Positions : Five
Fellowships :

Core Position Descriptions
The 3 advanced training registrars spend 4 month rotations with the Stroke, Comprehensive Epilepsy and General Neurology Units. The Stroke rotation is shared with a BPT registrar using early (8am-5pm) and late rosters (2pm-10pm). There are approx. 9 inpatient beds per unit depending on demand. Each registrar attends 2 outpatient clinics per week and takes inpatient and Emergency Department consults. There is an after-hours and on-call roster where coverage by one registrar is provided for all Neurology Units. This tends to be a 1 in 5 to 1 in 6 roster as Fellows involved in academic work, elective year and the BPT often wish to participate. EMG and EEG training reporting continue through the year on a weekly basis. Daily ward rounds are conducted by consultants attached to each unit. In 2023 there will be a part time (20 weeks) position available to cover registrars’ annual leave.

For more information about the Part Time post available in 2023, please contact Prof Thijs

Elective Position Descriptions
Neurophysiology/Neuroimmunology 1
Neurophysiology/Gen Neurology 1
Stroke 1
Epilepsy 4
Movement disorder 0.5

For more information about elective positions please contact Prof Thijs

Hospital Information

Austin Health comprises Austin Hospital, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital and the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre. It is the major provider of tertiary health services, health professional education and research in the northeast of Melbourne and is world-renowned for its research and specialist work in cancer, liver transplantation, spinal cord injuries, neurology, epilepsy, stroke, endocrinology, mental health and rehabilitation with 560 inpatient beds.

The Austin is a major teaching Hospital affiliated with the University of Melbourne. The Florey Neuroscience Institute a major facility for neurosciences research, has a facility co-located on the Austin Campus. It is located 20 minutes’ drive north-east from Melbourne CBD in Heidelberg.

Department Beds :
Twenty-eight inpatient beds on Ward 6E

Department Clinics
One general neurology clinic/week

Department Specialty Clinics
Stroke, Epilepsy, Movement disorders, Neuroimmunology/MS, Dementia, Neuromuscular, Headache, Neurooncology, First Seizure.

Department Meetings
A number of clinical and teaching meetings are held weekly, eg – Case Presentations, Neuroradiology, Neuropathology, Neuroscience seminar, Stroke radiology, Comprehensive epilepsy meeting, Neuroimmunology meeting, EEG teaching, EMG teaching.

Department Staff
Vincent Thijs, Professor, Director, Neurology Department and Head of Stroke, Piero Perruca, Director Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, AJ Hughes, Head Movement Disorders, J Archer, Epilepsy, BR Chambers Neurovascular ultrasound, A Gilligan, Stroke, L Cher Neurooncology, I Scheffer, Paediatric Neurology and Epilepsy, C Stark, Movement Disorders & Neurophysiology ,, A Bryson, Gen Neuro, G Tse Gen Neuro,J Chen, Gen Neurol, N Crump, Neurophysiology/Neuroimmunology, S Mullen Epilepsy, P Carney Epilepsy, W Fong Mvt Disorders, F Ng, Stroke, P Choi Stroke, M Short Neurophysiology, H Gardner Neurophysiology, D Vaughan Epilepsy, M Simpson Stroke, Neuroimmunology, Neurophysiology, L Dalic Epilepsy, Headache, G. Jain Neuromuscular

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
3 Registrars (general neurology, stroke, epilepsy), 1 BPT (Stroke), 4 Residents (general neurology Y3, 2 stroke Y1, epilepsy Y3).

Trainee Responsibilities
Inpatient and ambulatory care responsibilities specific to rotation. Weekly attendance at EMG and EEG training. On call weeknights and weekends. A commitment to high quality patient care and ability to develop good rapport with nursing and allied health staff. Developing communication skills with patients and families and a strong working relationship with consultant and resident staff. Interest and enthusiasm in learning clinical skills in neurology and in research.

Selection Criteria
As specified by ANZAN

Philosophy Of Training
Broad exposure to all disciplines of neurology. Strongly supported by a heavy teaching program with an emphasis on developing broad clinical skills. Development of research interests and facilitation of further academic development.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At Austin Health Part Time

Austin Health Part Time
145 Studley Rd, Heidelberg
VIC, 3084

Contact Details

Prof Richard Macdonell
Phone : (03)9496 2910
www :


Training Positions : One Part time (20 weeks)
Elective Training Positions : Five
Fellowships :

Core Position Descriptions
The 3 advanced training registrars spend 4 month rotations with the Stroke, Comprehensive Epilepsy and General Neurology Units. The Stroke rotation is shared with a BPT registrar using early (8am-5pm) and late rosters (2pm-10pm). There are approx. 9 inpatient beds per unit depending on demand. Each registrar attends 2 outpatient clinics per week and takes inpatient and Emergency Department consults. There is an after-hours and on-call roster where coverage by one registrar is provided for all Neurology Units. This tends to be a 1 in 5 to 1 in 6 roster as Fellows involved in academic work, elective year and the BPT often wish to participate. EMG and EEG training reporting continue through the year on a weekly basis. Daily ward rounds are conducted by consultants attached to each unit.

In 2021 there will also be a part time (20 weeks) position available with attachments at a minimum of a month at a time to the inpatient service accredited for core advanced training to cover periods of AT leave.

Elective Position Descriptions
Neurophysiology/Neuroimmunology 1
Neurophysiology/Gen Neurology 1
Stroke 1
Epilepsy 2
Movement disorder 0.5 EFT

For more information about elective positions please contact Prof Macdonell

Hospital Information

Austin Health comprises Austin Hospital, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital and the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre. It is the major provider of tertiary health services, health professional education and research in the northeast of Melbourne and is world-renowned for its research and specialist work in cancer, liver transplantation, spinal cord injuries, neurology, epilepsy, stroke, endocrinology, mental health and rehabilitation with 560 inpatient beds.

The Austin is a major teaching Hospital affiliated with the University of Melbourne. The Florey Neuroscience Institute a major facility for neurosciences research, has a facility co-located on the Austin Campus. It is located 20 minutes’ drive north-east from Melbourne CBD in Heidelberg.

Department Beds :
Twenty-eight inpatient beds on Ward 6E

Department Clinics
One general neurology clinic/week

Department Specialty Clinics
Stroke, Epilepsy, Movement disorders, Neuroimmunology/MS, Dementia, Neuromuscular, Headache, Neurooncology, First Seizure.

Department Meetings
A number of clinical and teaching meetings are held weekly, eg – Case Presentations, Neuroradiology, Neuropathology, Neuroscience seminar, Stroke radiology, Comprehensive epilepsy meeting, Neuroimmunology meeting, EEG teaching, EMG teaching.

Department Staff
RAL Macdonell, Professor, Director, Neurology Department, V Thijs, Professor, Head of Stroke Medicine, GD Jackson Director Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, AJ Hughes, Head Movement Disorders, J Archer, Epilepsy, BR Chambers Neurovascular ultrasound, A Gilligan, Stroke, L Cher Neurooncology, I Scheffer, Paediatric Neurology and Epilepsy, C Stark, Movement Disorders & Neurophysiology , A Brodtmann, Dementia, A Bryson, Gen Neuro, G Tse Gen Neuro, N Crump, Neurophysiology/Neuroimmunology, S Mullen Epilepsy, P Carney Epilepsy, W Fong Mvt Disorders, F Ng, Stroke, P Choi Stroke, M Short Neurophysiology, H Gardner Neurophysiology, D Vaughan Epilepsy, M Simpson Stroke, Neuroimmunology, Neurophysiology, M Sethi Epilepsy, L Dalic Epilepsy, Headache

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
3 Registrars (general neurology, stroke, epilepsy), 1 BPT (Stroke), 4 Residents (general neurology Y3, 2 stroke Y1, epilepsy Y3).

Trainee Responsibilities
Inpatient and ambulatory care responsibilities specific to rotation. Weekly attendance at EMG and EEG training. On call weeknights and weekends. A commitment to high quality patient care and ability to develop good rapport with nursing and allied health staff. Developing communication skills with patients and families and a strong working relationship with consultant and resident staff. Interest and enthusiasm in learning clinical skills in neurology and in research.

Selection Criteria
As specified by ANZAN

Philosophy Of Training
Broad exposure to all disciplines of neurology. Strongly supported by a heavy teaching program with an emphasis on developing broad clinical skills. Development of research interests and facilitation of further academic development.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At Cabrini Health

Cabrini Health
183 Wattletree Rd Malvern
VIC, 3144

Contact Details

Dr Mark Faragher
Phone : 0410629789
www :


Training Positions : One
Elective Training Positions : nil
Fellowships :

Core Position Descriptions
The Cabrini Hospital trainee position is incorporated with the Alfred training site. Each of the 5 registrars will rotate for 10 weeks (approximately) through the Alfred Neurology Unit, Stroke Unit, Epilepsy/Consults, Caufield Consults, and Cabrini (see Alfred site for full description of Alfred rotations).
The Cabrini rotation will have a broad training base with both inpatient and outpatient responsibilities, and opportunities for further sub-specialty experience in disciplines such as Neuro-ophthalmology, Neuro-otology, and Movement Disorders. There will be also specific training in neurophysiology. Inpatient duties will involve general neurology and stroke admissions, as well as emergency department and ward consultations. There are over 10 neurologists with attachments to Cabrini, with one neurologist being assigned to the trainee at any one time to cover most of the inpatient admissions and consultations. The Cabrini trainee is expected to attend the Wednesday morning academic session at the Alfred Hospital and the Victorian and National training lectures, and will share in the after hours cover at the Alfred site only.

Elective Position Descriptions

Hospital Information

Cabrini Hospital is a Catholic, private, not for profit 510 bed acute medical and surgical hospital. Most major acute medical and surgical specialties are provided at Cabrini, including intensive and coronary care, and a 24 hour emergency department. There are also day procedure and day oncology centres and the hospital provides home care services, including Hospital in the Home. There are extensive on site diagnostic facilities including a comprehensive neuroradiology service. The Cabrini Education and Research Insitute comprises a number of academic departments including Cabrini-Monash University Department of Surgery, Monash University Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Cabrini-Monash Department of Medical Oncology, and the Cabrini-Monash University Department of Medicine. Cabrini Hospital is a clinical school for medical student undergraduate teaching and is part of the Central and Eastern Clinical School of the Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.

Department Beds :
Inpatient bed numbers vary from 5 to 15

Department Clinics
2 outpatient consultation sessions, 1-2 neurophysiology session, 1 EEG review session per week

Department Specialty Clinics
There are no dedicated sub-specialty clinics, however each consultant sees a wide variety of sub-specialty cases in their consulting sessions.

Department Meetings
Wednesday morning at Alfred Hospital. (further details: see Alfred Hospital site).

Department Staff
Dr John Waterston (Neuro-otology)
A/Prof Owen White (Neuro-ophthalmology)
Dr Ronnie Freilich (Neuro-oncology)
Dr Jack Wodak (Infectious Diseases Neurology)
Dr Judith Frayne (Stroke)
Dr Tim Day (Neurophysiology)
Dr Anita Vinton (Epilepsy and Neurophysiology)
Dr Mark Faragher (Neurophysiology)
Dr Victor Gordon (Neurophysiology)

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology

Trainee Responsibilities
Trainees will be responsible for inpatient care, emergency department and ward referrals, and preparation of case presentations and literature reviews for the Neurology Grand Rounds. They will also participate in the after hours on-call for the Alfred site (1:6 roster).

Selection Criteria
Applicants must have passed the FRACP part 1 examination, and must have been approved for advanced training in Neurology by an Advanced Training Committee. The Unit aims to recruit the most talented trainees, and does not favour "local" applicants, or second year trainees, over others. The Unit is open to the possibility of part-time training, and will therefore consider applications from pairs of candidates wishing to job share. Such applicants are advised to discuss this option well ahead of the matching date, as some methods of job division will fit more easily with the Unit weekly timetable than others.

Philosophy Of Training
The Neurology Unit at Cabrini aims to give the trainee a broad training and clinical experience, with an emphasis on outpatient neurology. There is a diverse range of neurological problems which present to Cabrini and the experience will also give trainees an important exposure to private neurology practice.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information
Mark Faragher

Other Information

Trainee Positions At Eastern Health (Box Hill)

Eastern Health (Box Hill)
8 Arnold Street Box Hill
VIC, 3128

Contact Details

Associate Professor Patrick Carney
Phone : + 613 90952425
www :


Training Positions : Three
Elective Training Positions :
Fellowships : Please contact Patrick Carney to discuss

Core Position Descriptions
Core Position Descriptions
Advanced Trainee will rotate through:
1) four months as Box Hill Hospital Stroke Unit registrar,
2) four months as Box Hill Hospital General Neurology registrar, and
3) four months as Ambulatory Neurology Registrar including outpatient clinics and Maroondah Hospital neurology and stroke cover.

The Stroke Unit Registrar will coordinate the acute stroke thrombolysis service and inpatient stroke care. The Advanced Trainee will have learned and experienced:
1) acute stroke thrombolysis
2) clinical decision-making process in complex stroke patients, including the role of appropriate neuroimaging and neurointervention
3) Multi-disciplinary stroke care

The General Neurology registrar will coordinate inpatient and outpatient care for non-stroke patients, at Box Hill Hospital .
The Ambulatory Neurology/Maroondah registrar has the opportunity to attend multiple sub-specialty neurology clinics as well as providing support in-person and via phone to the clinical units at Maroondah Hospital and phone support to the other health services in the network.

The Advanced Trainees will have gained understanding and experience of diverse spectrum of Neurological disciplines including cerebrovascular diseases, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders and epilepsy.

Each Advanced trainee will have the following opportunities during each rotation:
1) attendance at outpatients clinics
2) Weekly electrophysiology (with consultant supervision and tutoring)
3) Weekly EEG reporting session (with consultant supervision and tutoring)
4) Weekly attendance to Victorian and Tasmanian Trainees teaching
5) Monthly attendance to National Brain School

The experience has been that Trainees will comfortably complete their 12 month requirements for training in NCS/EMG and EEG. NCS/EMG time is quarantined within the roster. In addition teaching time, including the compulsory National Brain School and Victorian and Tasmanian Trainees Teaching is protected.
The afterhours on-call will be shared between the three Advanced Trainees, the stroke clinical and research fellow and the advanced trainee in general medicine who is part of the stroke team at Box Hill Hospital.

Remuneration is in accordance with the AMA EBA current agreement. Leave Arrangements - 5 weeks annual leave.

Elective Position Descriptions
Neurology/Stroke Clinical and Research Fellowship:
Successful applicant will be required to be actively involvement in the clinical management of stroke patients. Box Hill Hospital is a national leader in hyper-acute stroke treatment metrics (Door to Needle time, Door in Door out time) for consecutive years since 2020. We participate in a range of investigator and pharma sponsored trials and the fellow is actively involved in the recruitment and follow-up patient visits for these studies.

At the end of the fellowship year, the fellow will have expected to have acquired
1) the clinical expertise and knowledge of acute stroke thrombolysis,
2) basic interpretation skills of non-invasive neuroimaging, in particular multimodal CT and MRI,
3) clinical decision making process in complex stroke patients,
4) undertaken applied clinical research (research area to be discussed with supervisor)
5) develop other clinical skills/interests within the field of neurosciences
The fellow may also obtain experience in other neurology subspecialties as they undertake clinics, tutorials, and participate in Neurosciences clinical workload. The exact program can be discussed on application.
The fellow will be expected to cover the other Advanced Trainee registrars when they are on leave.

Cognitive Fellowship:
Opportunities are available to undertake a cognitive fellowship at Eastern Health. This provides exposure to in and outpatient assessment of patients with cognitive disorders as well as involvement in pharma sponsored and investigator initiated research.

Please contact Professor Amy Brodtmann to discuss this opportunity.

Hospital Information

Eastern Health is one of the largest metropolitan health services in Victoria and provides health services to a population of more than 800,000 people in the eastern corridor of Melbourne. Eastern Health has a large metropolitan base, but also serves rural areas in the Yarra Valley of Melbourne.

Box Hill Hospital lies in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne and admits more than 48,000 patients annually. It is the tertiary referral centre for all other hospitals in Eastern Health. It is a teaching hospital affiliated with Monash, La Trobe and Deakin Universities.

Box Hill Hospital currently has in excess of 500 beds with all the major medical, surgical and obstetric disciplines represented, except neurosurgery.

Box Hill is the primary stroke centre for Eastern Health. Given the large geographic drainage there is an extensive exposure to General Neurology. Box Hill Hospital is the only hospital in the Eastern Health service undertaking stroke thrombolysis. Box Hill hospital has been reported and cited as a centre of excellence for acute stroke thrombolysis.

The MS unit in Eastern Health (under the direction of Dr Katherine Buzzard) is one of the largest in Australia. The ageing demographic of Eastern Health also delivers significant access to patients with dementia, Parkinson's, and other neuro-degenerative diseases. Epilepsy services include prolonged video EEG monitoring.

Diagnostic non-invasive neuroimaging (multimodal CT, MRI) service is available 24 hours. Limited neuro-interventional services is available on site. Complex neurointerventional services is undertaken in collaboration with Royal Melbourne and Austin Hospital.

Eastern Melbourne Neurosciences provides neurological services to Eastern Health hospitals.

The Neuro-Diagnostic Unit performs:
• nerve conduction studies (NCS)
• electromyography (EMG)
• evoked potential studies (EP)
• electroencephalography (EEG)

Ambulatory patient care service include:
• Stroke
• General Neurology
• Epilepsy
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Neuropsychology
• Eastern Cognitive Disorders Clinic (ECDC)
• Neurosurgery
• Movement Disorders – including multidisciplinary clinic (Wantirna Health)
• Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Clinic
• Neurosurgery – supported by St Vincent’s Health

Box Hill Hospital has a large research base and undertakes clinical trials in most of the major medical disciplines.

Department Beds :
twenty to twenty five inpatients at any one time of which 15 are stroke, and 10 are general neurology.

Department Clinics
General Neurology, General Neurology Rapid Access, Stroke, TIA, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy and First Seizure, Electrophysiology, Movement Disorders, Cognitive Neurology – Eastern Cognitive Diseases Service(ECDC)

Department Specialty Clinics

Department Meetings
Weekly Neurology Meeting presented by the Advanced Trainees
Neuro Radiology Meeting
Hospital/ Medical Grand Rounds
Stroke Unit Meeting
EEG teaching, NCS/EMG teaching sessions

Box Hill Hospital and Eastern Melbourne Neurosciences are part of the Monash Neurosciences Institute which conducts regular clinical and research meetings.

Department Staff
Associate Professor Patrick Carney
Subspecialty - Epilepsy

Dr Philip Choi
Acting Deputy Director and Clinical Lead in Stroke
Subspecialty - Stroke

MS and Neuro-immunology service
Dr Katherine Buzzard - Clinical Lead
Dr Olga Skibina
Dr Mark Marriott
Dr Izanne Roos
Dr Melissa Chu

Stroke Service
Dr Philip Choi – Clinical Lead
Professor Chris Bladin
Professor Helen Dewey
Dr. Poh-Sien Loh

Cognitive Neurology Service
Professor Amy Brodtmann - Clinical Lead
Dr Chris Kyndt
Dr Maja Christensen

Neurophysiology/Neuromuscular Service
Dr Dinushi Weerasinghe- Clinical Lead
A/Prof Gary Yip
Dr Saman Punchihewa
Dr Karmen Wai

Epilepsy Service
A/Prof Patrick Carney – Clinical Lead
Dr Gabby Tse
Dr Moksh Sethi
Dr Alex Bryson
Dr Suyi Ooi

Movement Disorders
Dr Will Lee
Dr Lin Zhang

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
There are four HMOs assisting the Advanced Trainees including weekend and after hours dedicated neurology HMOs.

Trainee Responsibilities
Ensure that the Neurosciences unit functions in an efficient and effective fashion. Provide care for the patients (inpatient and outpatient) under the overall supervision of the supervising neurology consultant in charge of the unit.

Ensure that all patients referred or admitted to the Neurosciences unit are assessed according to clinical priority. Assess patients in the Emergency Department in a timely manner when requested, e.g. acute stroke thrombolysis.

Communicate regularly with the on-duty consultant. According to Neurosciences unit policy, the registrar is expected to inform or discuss with the on duty consultant:
1) new admissions, and critically ill patients.
2) clinical diagnosis and management plans.
3) any serious change in patient's condition/or patient's death.

Supervise and educate the junior staff in their area. Some duties may be delegated to the junior staff but responsibility for formulating a patient's diagnosis and management plan lies with the registrar. Provide opportunities for them to learn procedures and techniques relevant to the rotation.

Ensure that the care of the patient is accurately and appropriately documented. Supervise the quality of the HMO's electronic discharge summaries. Ensure that these are completed on the day of patient's discharge from hospital and signed and forwarded to LMO.

Develop and maintain good communication with other hospital specialty units, other medical, nursing and paramedical staff. Ensure that relatives are aware of patient's condition.

Communicate with Local doctors; especially in relation to discharge plans and post discharge follow up. This includes patients seen in outpatients.

Take part in quality improvement activities relevant to the unit and present findings to appropriate meetings.

Attend and take an active part in unit and hospital educational activities, including undergraduate student teaching.

Take part in afterhours roster.

Selection Criteria
Applicants must be:
1) a registered medical practitioner with the Medical Board of Australia (from July 1, 2010) AND
2) passed the Royal Australasian College of Physicians Fellowship exam
3) or have the appropriate exemption from the RACP Fellowship exam requirements (for physicians not trained in Australia).

Philosophy Of Training
Excellence, Accountability, Compassion, Team Work, Integrity, Respect and Collaboration.

This is a neurology training position and as such it is imperative that educational opportunities are our foremost priority for all our Advanced Trainees.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At Frankston Hospital

Frankston Hospital
2 Hastings Rd, Frankston
VIC, 3199

Contact Details

A/Prof. Ernie Butler
Phone : 0414 935 954
www : not applicable


Training Positions : two
Elective Training Positions : none
Fellowships : none

Core Position Descriptions
We have two advanced core training positions. Both positions are for applicants in their 1st or 2nd year. The applicants will be working in either the neurology to the stroke unit, staffed by 8 neurologists. The positions will rotate 3 monthly between inpatient general neurology ward work/consults, and inpatient stroke patient management plus stroke calls and the thrombolysis service. There is a weekly general neurology/MS outpatient clinic, a TIA clinic, an epilepsy clinic and a movement disorders clinic. There will be weekly supervised NCS/EMG sessions and EEG reporting. The neurologists in the Frankston Neurology unit have subspecialty interests in MS, stroke, clinical neurophysiology, neuromuscular medicine, and movement disorders. The applicant will attend all mandated educational opportunities, including brain school, and the annual ANZAN conference. There is a BPT3 registrar who will also cover stroke calls and educational/neurophysiology work.

The trainee will be rostered on call one night/week and one weekend/month.
They will conduct Saturday morning ward rounds every 3rd week.

Elective Position Descriptions
We do not offer unaccredited neurology training or fellow positions.

Hospital Information

Frankston Hospital is an outer suburban hospital which is part of Peninsula Health. It services part of southeastern Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula. With over 900 beds at Peninsula Health it provides a range of services including internal medicine, surgery, psychiatry, paediatrics, obstetrics, rehabilitation services, emergency and intensive care. It is also a teaching hospital of Monash University.

Department Beds :
15-25 Neurology/stroke beds including a stroke unit.

Department Clinics
general neurology, MS, movement disorders, epilepsy, TIA/stroke.

Department Specialty Clinics

Department Meetings
Weekly meetings for case presentations, review of ward patients, thrombolysis & ECR reviews, & mortality auditing.
Weekly internal medicine grand rounds.
Weekly neuroradiology meeting.

Department Staff
A/Prof. Ernie Butler
A/Prof. Sanjay Raghav
Dr. Alana Eastaugh
Dr. Jayantha Rupasinghe
Dr. Saman Punchihewa
Dr. WenWen Zhang
Dr. Wajih Bukhari
Dr. Joshua Laing

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
1 BPT3 registrar rostered on for the inpatient unit/stroke calls every 3 months. 3 BPT1 HMOs rostered on for the inpatient units every 10 weeks.

Trainee Responsibilities
Depending on the rotation, the trainee will conduct inpatient ward rounds, and see consultations with neurologist supervision. The applicant will attend stroke calls and arrange with the neurologist for thrombolysis +/- transfer for endovascular treatment. Also there is regular attendance at outpatient subspecialty clinics, and supervised EEG and EMG work. The trainee will be expected to participate in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of neurology, and to present at one hospital grand round in the year. They will present once a month at the Unit clinical meeting on a rotating basis.
We expect the trainee to attend at least one neurology conference in the year.

Selection Criteria
The applicant must have passed their part 1 FRACP examinations, and have a passionate, burning interest in Neurology. We want to see an inquiring mindset.

Philosophy Of Training
The Frankston Hospital Neurology Unit is staffed by a friendly group of neurologists. We would like to see the trainee expand their knowledge and practice of neurology in an enjoyable atmosphere, down by the sea. Come for a sea change.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)
Charles St
TAS, 7250

Contact Details

Matthew Lee-Archer
Phone : +61474645321
www :


Training Positions : 1
Elective Training Positions : 0
Fellowships : 0

Core Position Descriptions
The LGH has been approved for a core training position from 2022.

The neurology department was established in 2019 and has four neurologists, Lauren Giles, Aaron De Souza, Simon Bower and Matthew Lee-Archer.

Stroke is manage separately at the LGH by dedicated stroke physicians. The AT will get acute stroke exposure leading the 'code stroke' team when rostered.

We work with the Royal Hobart Hospital Neurologists for cases that require neurosurgical/neuro-interventional input.

On call is one evening per week and one weekend per month.

Elective Position Descriptions

Hospital Information

The LGH is a regional hospital with most medical sub-specialties on site.

Department Beds :
up to 5

Department Clinics

Department Specialty Clinics

Department Meetings
Weekly neuro-radiology
Monthly academic meeting
Monthly neurophysiology meeting

Department Staff
Lauren Giles
Aaron de Souza
Simon Bower
Matthew Lee-Archer

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
The AT position is supported by a basic physician trainee (BPT).

Trainee Responsibilities
Manage neurology inpatients.
Consults to to ward and ED patients.
Outpatient clinics.
Provide leadership and education to the BPT.
Education for within the hospital BPT training program and medical students.

Selection Criteria

Philosophy Of Training

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At Monash Medical Centre

Monash Medical Centre
246 Clayton Rd, Clayton
VIC, 3168

Contact Details

Professor Henry Ma
Phone : 613 8572 2614
www :


Training Positions : Four
Elective Training Positions : Four
Fellowships : Stroke, Movement Disorder

Core Position Descriptions
Core training comprises rotations as consultant registrar (Monash, Dandenong Hospital and Casey Hospital), inpatient Neurology registrar and inpatient stroke registrar and stroke code registrar. Consultation registrars will review patients referred from other units including Monash Medical Centre, Dandenong and Casey Hospital and attends a range of outpatient clinics. The inpatient registrar is responsible for care of the stroke (two inpatient stroke teams), Neurology and Epilepsy monitoring inpatients as well as attending a general Neurology, stroke, epilepsy and other outpatient clinic such as neuro-ophthalmology, neuro-otology, MS, headache, Botox, neuro-cognitive, FA, neuro-oncology and movement disorder.. Registrars are involved in Neurophysiology sessions. Registrars participate in on call roster which averages once a week. There is a mandatory next day off for rest after oncall. In addition to clinical supervision, registrars attend weekly clinical neurology department meetings, designated neurology tutorials, EMG and EEG tutorials, neuro-anatomy presentation, and neuroimaging tutorial, and other educational sessions. Weekly Departmental meeting include case presentation, MM review, invited speakers, inpatient and consultation list review.

Neurophysiology training is extensive and conforms to the Neurology SAC's training requirements of supervised and logged neurophysiology procedures. Supervision of nerve conduction studies/EMG is structured as follows: Each trainee is required to spend one afternoon per week for 3 weeks out of every 4 of the duration of their training being supervised in nerve conduction studies/EMG by Dr V Gordon, Dr Y Lee. During this time they will learn to program a simple and complex nerve conduction study/EMG procedures.

Each AT is allocated a supervisor for EEG training and reporting and each AT has at least one allocated day for supervised EEG teaching and reporting. There is an extra session for EEG supervised reading per week available. There is lecture every fortnight on the fundamental of EEG, EEG interpretation, and case discussions. These sessions are run by A/Prof Udaya Seneviratne and Dr Subramanian Muthusamy.

Elective Position Descriptions
Stroke Fellowship: This is a stroke registrar position, responsible for inpatient care of stroke patients. We are offering a one year research and clinical fellowship in the field of Cerebrovascular Medicine at Monash Medical Centre and collaborating institutions. The strength of the unit is in MR and CT perfusion imaging and epidemiological research in the field of stroke and vascular dementia. Applicants should have medical qualifications recognised in Victoria and preferably be advanced trainee in Neurology/Geriatric/Endocrine Medicine (FRACP). Those undertaking a higher degree or post-doctoral degree are encouraged to apply.

Contact: Prof. Henry Ma (613) 8572 2614
Contact: Prof. Thanh Phan (613) 8572 2614

Movement Disorder Fellowship: The Movement Disorder Fellowship at Monash involves regular outpatient clinics, a deep brain stimulation program, advanced pharmacological therapy for Parkinson's Disease and Botulinum Toxin clinics. Applicants with a focus on research in Movement Disorders would be preferred and a research project involving a clinical study or a more basic research would be expected.

Contact: Dr Yennie Lie (613) 95946666
A/Prof. Peter Kempster (613) 8572 2614


Hospital Information

Monash Health is one of the largest healthcare provider in Victoria. It includes Monash Medical Centre, Dandenong Hospital, Casey Hospital, Moorabbin Hospital and the upcoming Monash Heart Hospital. Monash Medical Centre is one of the designated statewide endovascular clot retrieval centres for stroke patients with two angio-suites Monash Medical Centre is a University teaching hospital and is situated near Monash University. The Translational Research Precinct is co-located at Monash Medical Centre. The inpatient Stroke/ Neurology unit consists of a combined total of 46 beds covering Neurology/Stroke (including epilepsy monitoring), plus 8 HDU beds sharing with neurosurgery department.

There are two neurology registrar JHMO rooms on the ward and one new EEG reporting room.

There are two inpatient stroke teams (each with one stroke neurologist, stroke registrar, stroke HMO, and stroke intern), acute stroke code team, neurology inpatient team and three consultation teams (Monash Medical Centre, Dandenong Hospital and Casey Hospital.

Outpatients consulting and neurophysiological investigations are conducted at Monash Neurology, the ambulatory neurological service provider within
the hospital. There are more the 50 sessions of neurology clinics per week at Monash Neurology.

Department Beds :
46 beds combined for Neurology and Stroke

Department Clinics
All neurology clinics are at Monash Neurology with more than 52 sessions per week, also at Casey hospital

Department Specialty Clinics
First seizure, epilepsy, stroke, TIA clinic, minor stroke clinic, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, neuro-otology, neuro-ophthalmology, neuromuscular disorders, neuro-oncology, Friedreich's Ataxia, behavioural neurology,Headache, Botox Clinic

Department Meetings
Weekly Departmental Meeting
Movement Disorders
Comprehensive Epilepsy Program
Research in Progress and Research Presentations
Neurology Upskilling Tutorial (weekly)
Registrar and JHMO Lecture (weekly)
Joint Neurology-Neurosurgery

Department Staff
Prof. Henry Ma
Prof. Thanh Phan
A/Prof. Udaya Seneviratne
A/Prof Shaloo Singhal
A/Prof. Ben Clissold
Dr John Ly
Dr Subramanian Muthusamy
Dr Yenni Lie
Dr Michael Velante
Dr Angelos Sharobeam
Dr Nevin John
Dr Luke Chen
A/Prof Sanjay Raghav
Dr Victor Gordon
A/Prof. Peter Kempster
A/Prof Susan Mathers
Dr Ron Freilich
Dr Helene Roberts
Dr Yong Lee
Dr Saman Punchihewa
Dr Janaka Seneviratne
Dr Catherine Ding
Prof. Dominic Thyagarajan
Dr Deepa Rajendran
Dr David Moses
Dr Michael Eller
Dr Anthony Fok
Dr Martin Short
Dr Victor Choong

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
Stroke HMO x2 Stroke Intern x2 Neurology HMO 8 neurology registrars (4 Advance trainees and 4 non-core trainees)

Trainee Responsibilities
The Neurology Registrar positions fulfill RACP requirements for advanced training in Neurology. Registrars will alternate roles between ward service and consultations. There are compulsory training in Neurophysiological techniques including EEG and EMG.

The trainee has the opportunity to participate in research and project as per training requirement. Prof Phan, head of neuroscience research, coordinated all the research activities including trainee projects and publications. Research opportunities in available in most of the sub specialties at Monash Health.

Selection Criteria

Philosophy Of Training
Our philosophy for core training in neurology is accumulation of experience through apprenticeship in a supervised environment especially in acute neurological conditions such as stroke. At Monash we run a consultant led service which provides the best supportive and teaching environment. WE emphasis the importance of evidence based medicine and the combination of research with clinic practice.

Trainees will gain experience in the diagnosis and management of a wide range of neurological disorders. Trainees are required to make regular contributions to departmental clinical meetings and are encouraged to participate in clinical research.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At Northern Hospital

Northern Hospital
185 Cooper Street, Epping
VIC, 3076

Contact Details

A/Prof Doug Crompton
Phone : 84052335
www :


Training Positions : 2
Elective Training Positions : 0
Fellowships : 0

Core Position Descriptions
The Northern Neurology registrars have a busy and varied clinical role including inpatient care of neurology and stroke patients, general and subspecialty neurology clinics, assessing ED and ward referrals, EEG reporting, and EMG clinics, all with close support and guidance from the friendly and collegial Consultant team.

The Neurology junior doctor team also includes an Advanced Trainee in General Medicine and 2 neurology/stroke residents.

Core trainees and our General Medicine Advanced trainee rotate through the 2 roles of inpatient Neurology, inpatient Stroke and Ward Consults. Each of these rotations involves participation in 2 outpatient clinics as follows: Neurology rotation: General Neurology (Crompton / Evans) and Epilepsy clinics (Crompton / Spiegel) Stroke rotation: Headache (Rosenfeld; includes migraine botox) and Neuro-immunology (Ligtermoet); Consults: Movement disorders (Kopanidis) and Motor Neuron disease (Chen, Evans). Occasional attendance at neurosurgery and paediatric neurology clinics are also available if time allows.

The Neurology Registrar rostered to Stroke attends all code stroke emergencies when on site, helping to inform the decision to thrombolyze / clot retrieve (or not) patients presenting with acute stroke symptoms. In addition, they will assess patients referred from ED, ICU, medicine, surgery, obstetrics and psychiatry services, with full support from the duty Consultant.

In addition, the Registrars attend and present cases at several meetings including Neurovascular (Tuesday 8am), Neuro-radiology (Wednesday, 12 noon) and Academic Neurology (Thursday 12 noon), in addition to medical grand rounds (2 per year). Teaching tutorials on core clinical topics are offered for HMOs and registrars on a Thursday am (11.30am).

The Registrars are supported to enable full attendance at the state-wide (Thursday am) training in addition to national Brain School on a Wednesday pm.

In addition, the Trainees will be encouraged to offer help and guidance to the Neurology residents, and to support medical student learning. Diverse opportunities to participate in clinical audit and clinical research will be offered.

Out of hours on call commitments will be 1-2 nights per week (non-resident), in addition to 1 in 4 weekends. A neurology consultant will always be on call together with the Registrar. Code stroke calls out of hours go directly to the consultants in order to optimise door to needle / DIDO times.

Elective Position Descriptions
Two core training positions are currently offered. The elective position in general neurology would be available only in the unlikely event that the position is not filled with a core trainee. In that event the Elective (with a general neurology focus) would be as for the Core Position.

Hospital Information

The Northern Hospital, the acute clinical site of Northern Health, is a busy, energetic, friendly and rapidly expanding hospital, currently with 550 beds. A new hospital tower, and inpatient psychiatry block have recently been opened, with a further $700-800 million construction program underway. Neurology inpatients are located in a state of the art 34 bed Neurology and Stroke new ward opened in 2021.

Our hospital serves a population of around 750,000 people in Melbourne's northern suburbs, and we have the busiest emergency department in Victoria. Northern Health provides the innovative state-wide Victorian Virtual Emergency Department. Our population is culturally diverse and many languages are spoken. Clinical staff are brilliantly supported by our excellent trans-cultural and language service (TALS). All this contributes to the neurology Registrar having a very wide exposure to a diverse range of general and subspecialty neurology problems.

Department Beds :
Flexible- typically 10-25 inpatients between neurology and stroke

Department Clinics
Multiple general neurology clinics

Department Specialty Clinics
Movement disorder, stroke prevention, epilepsy, first seizure, headache (including botox), MS, EMG/NCS, motor neurone disease (twice monthly, at Bundoora Extended Care Centre).

Department Meetings
Neurovascular meeting (With vascular surgery) Tuesdays 8am
Neurology / Stroke MDT meeting Tuesday 9am
Neuroradiology meeting (Wednesday 12 noon)
General Medicine Grand Round (optional) Thursday 8am
Neurology junior doctor Tutorial (Thursday 11.30am)
Neurology Academic meeting (Thursday 12 noon)
Neurology / Stroke MDT meeting (Friday 9 am)

Department Staff
A/Prof Doug Crompton (Head of Neurology, Special interests: Epilepsy, Neurogenetics)
Dr Matthew Ligtermoet (Special interests: Neuro-immunology, Motor Neuron disease)
Dr Matthew Evans (Special Interests: Peripheral nervous system disorders, EMG)
Dr Mei Ngun (Special interest: Stroke medicine)
Dr Paul Kopanidis (Special interest: Movement disorders)
Dr Helen Gardner (Special interest: Neurophysiology)
Dr Moksh Sethi (Special interest Epilepsy, EEG)
Dr Hannah Rosenfeld (Special interests: Headache, Neuroimmunology)
Dr Jessie Chen (Special interest: Motor Neuron disease)
Dr Joseph Wong (Special interest: Stroke Medicine)
Dr Chloe Spiegel (Special interests: Epilepsy, Movement disorders)
Dr Geraldine Ng (Special interest: General Neurology))
Dr Felix Ng (special interest: Neurophysiology)
Anne Rodda (Stroke Nurse Practitioner)
Liz Mackey (Stroke Nurse Practitioner)
Justine Westlake (Senior EEG scientist)
Kasia Dutka (EEG scientist)
Melissa Sciberras (Admin support)

Drs Steven Ng and Marco Fedi also contribute to out of hours on call.

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
Two Neurology registrar core trainees One Neurology / Stroke Registrar (Advanced trainee in General Medicine) Three Neurology/Stroke HMOs

Trainee Responsibilities
Please see Description of Core Position.

Selection Criteria
As per ANZAN guidelines, available at:

Philosophy Of Training
We aim to provide an inspiring apprenticeship in Neurology, in a friendly, energetic and supportive environment. Northern Health Values are Safe, Kind and Together.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At Royal Hobart Hospital

Royal Hobart Hospital
Department of Neurology
Level 3C
Liverpool St
Hobart TAS
TAS, 7000

Contact Details

Dr Dean Jones
Phone : (03) 6166 8323
www :


Training Positions : Three
Elective Training Positions : Two: Fellowship position below plus Extra Unaccredited Registrar position
Fellowships : One: Neuroimmunology and Neuromuscular/Neurophysiology

Core Position Descriptions
Each core trainee/registrar will receive an excellent grounding in clinical neurology, through responsibilities in:

a) inpatient care of 5-10 neurology patients, and in combination with a registrar from general medicine, 8-12 acute stroke patients. RHH is a comprehensive stroke centre, including interventional neuroradiology for endovascular clot retrieval.

b) outpatient clinics in general neurology, multiple sclerosis, stroke/TIA, epilepsy, movement disorders, botulinum toxin, neuromuscular/neuroimmunology and neuro-ophthalmology, cognitive neurology, and neurogenetics;

c) ambulatory care neurology (2-4 patients per day);

d) a hospital-wide consult service, including neurosurgery, neurorehabilitation, psychiatry, intensive care and obstetrics (averaging 3-5 consults per day);

e) neurophysiology training (2 sessions per week in NCS/EMG and 2-3 reporting sessions per week in EEG and EPs). Paediatric EEG teaching weekly is with our paediatric neurologist Dr Tyson Ware (with another paediatric neurologist starting in 2025).

f) procedures including lumbar puncture, occipital nerve blocks, baclofen pump refills and botulinum toxin administration;

g) participation in a 1 in 5 afterhours on call roster (well backed up by consultant on call).

Three advanced trainees rotate across 4 month terms in neurology inpatients, neurology outpatients and stroke. The neurology inpatient and stroke terms involve predominantly inpatient work in neurology and stroke, although also include general neurology clinic, EEG and NCS/EMG sessions. The stroke term is shared with a rotating registrar from the general medicine term, and these two registrars rotating between weeks of inpatient work, alternating with weeks of clinics and consult work (clinics include general neurology, TIA, lumbar punctures and now also neuro-ophthalmology). The neurology outpatient term involves rotation across multiple subspecialty clinics, including multiple sclerosis/neuroimmunology, epilepsy, movement disorders, cognitive neurology and neurogenetics as well as additional neurophysiology sessions. (Note neuro-ophthalmology is included within the clinic/consult weeks of the stroke term.)

Over the year, each core trainee has four visits to outreach clinics at Launceston General Hospital, supervised by the three local neurologists at that site.

Note in particular that subspecialty clinic and neurophysiology time is protected from interruption by ward duties.

Protected time is available for local weekly neurology and neurophysiology tutorials (Tuesday midday weekly), the VIC/TAS neurology teaching program (Thursday mornings weekly) and the national Brain School (Wednesday afternoons monthly).

Further, a research project is developed in combination with RHH/UTAS researchers, with options particularly in multiple sclerosis, dementia and movement disorders.

Elective Position Descriptions
We are pleased to offer:

a) an elective position in neuroimmunology, neuromuscular and neurophysiology (NCS/EMG). This will include participation in multiple sclerosis and neuromuscular/neuroimmunology clinics, multiple NCS/EMG sessions per week (to reach level 2 NCS/EMG), participation in clinical trials of MS/neuroimmunological therapies and development of a research project in multiple sclerosis/neuroimmunology.

b) a position in stroke and general neurology, filled either via a general medicine AT or someone hoping to get into neurology training (eg., someone who is unsuccessful in the match). The year can be accredited as an elective year of neurology training. The position includes alternating inpatient and clinic/consult work with the neurology AT on their stroke term, as well as relief cover for any of the core ATs on leave. The registrar in this position also participates equally in the after hours neurology/stroke on call roster, making up a 1 in 5 rota.

Further information about the above two positions is available from Dr Dean Jones.

Hospital Information

The Royal Hobart Hospital is the major teaching hospital of the University of Tasmania with 460 overnight beds and 90 day beds, representing all specialties including neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery, paediatrics, hyperbaric medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, rehabilitation and psychiatry. It is the tertiary referral hospital for the state of Tasmania, and one of the oldest hospitals in Australia, having being established on the current site in 1927. The RHH is conveniently located in the central city, with easy access to all services and within easy walking distance to Hobart's waterfront and inner suburbs. The hospital is currently being redeveloped at its current site, with a departmental extension and new joint neurology and stroke ward planned in the coming years.

Department Beds :

Department Clinics
General Neurology (weekly), Neurophysiology (5 sessions per week), Urgent Access clinic (2 per week)

Department Specialty Clinics
Neuroimmunology/MS (weekly), Botulinum toxin (weekly), Epilepsy (weekly), Neuromuscular (weekly), Urgent Access/TIA Clinics (3 per week), Cognitive neurology (UTAS,weekly), Movement Disorders (weekly), Neuro-ophthalmology (weekly), Neurogenetics (monthly)

Department Meetings
Neurology Grand Round (case based, weekly)
Neuroradiology (weekly)
Journal Club (fortnightly)
Neuropathology meeting (by arrangement with the Department of Pathology)
Combined meetings with Neurosurgery (2nd monthly) and Vascular Surgery (3 monthly)

Department Staff
Dr Dean Jones (Head of Department) - epilepsy
Dr Michael Dreyer - neuromuscular, neurophysiology
Professor Bruce Taylor - neuroimmunology
Dr Helen Castley - stroke, MS
Dr Jennifer MacIntyre - neuromuscular, neurophysiology, neuroimmunology, MS
Dr Sarah Hewer - movement disorders
Dr Dale Sebire - general neurology, epilepsy, neurophysiology
Dr Lucie Aldous - headache, cognitive disorders
Associate Professor Jane Alty - movement disorders, cognitive neurology
Dr Wendy Wang - neuro-ophthalmology, general neurology
Dr Yi Chao Foong - neuroimmunology
Dr Tyson Ware - paediatric neurologist at RHH

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
Neurology resident medical officer x 1; Stroke resident medical officer x 1; Extra stroke/neurology registrar x 1 (by rotation from general medicine)

Trainee Responsibilities
Apart from the responsibilities listed above, we also encourage participation in teaching of medical students and resident staff, with offer of clinical tutor title with University of Tasmania and associated UTAS library ejournal access.

Selection Criteria
We seek a motivated, enthusiastic and personable trainee. The ability to communicate effectively with patients and colleagues is important. Note that selection is via the VIC/TAS Neurology training program.

Selection for the elective/fellow position and unaccredited position are via separate interviews, with early enquires encouraged through Dean Jones. See also ANZAN positions vacant notice.

Philosophy Of Training
Our department offers excellent training opportunities in most aspects of modern clinical neurology. Some of our particular strenghths include:

a) We would anticipate the trainee being able to complete over half of their neurophysiology log book requirements in a single year. The department performs over 1800 neurophysiological investigations each year, and covers most procedures (including EEG, EP, NCS/EMG and single fibre EMG).

b) The co-location of all services on a single site also allows excellent exposure to areas not always accessible, including neurorehabilitation, psychiatry, paediatric EEG reporting and obstetrics.

c) There is ample opportunity for procedural learning, including botulinum toxin administration, occipital nerve blocks and baclofen pump refills.

d) We have a wide range of subspecialty clinics. While the RHH Neurosurgery Unit offers most services, we are supplemented by liason links with the epilepsy and movement disorders surgery programmes of St Vincent's, Royal Melbourne and Alfred Hospitals.

e) Apart from the core clinics listed above, there is also opportunity to attend associated hospital clinics in memory/dementia, Parkinson's disease, neurogenetics and paediatric neurology.

f) The RHH has two MRI scanners (1.5 and 3T), and we have excellent access to in- and outpatient scanning, and private scanning options.

g) We protect attendance at all Brain School and VIC/TAS training seminars, the ANZAN annual meeting, the Sydney Neuropathology course, Registrar training weekends and the ESA EEG course.

h) There are ready options for research in MS/neuroimmunology, tremor and dementia, and potentially also in stroke treatment, movement disorders and epilepsy epidemiology.

i) All junior and senior hospital staff enjoy full access to the University of Tasmania Clinical School Library and the Tasmania Health Service Library. Medical staff involved with teaching medical students also have the option of a title role as a clinical tutor or clinical lecturer with the university, which allows e-journal access through the UTAS library.

We look forward to offering a valuable training year, and helping a trainee to settle into Hobart and enjoy the year both socially and academically.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information
In development / pending

Other Information
We welcome enquiries via email (, telephone (03 6166 8323) or personal visit to the department at any time of the year.

Trainee Positions At Royal Melbourne Hospital

Royal Melbourne Hospital


Contact Details

Dr Bruce Campbell
Phone : 03 9342 8448
www :


Training Positions : Four
Elective Training Positions : Variable - please contact unit directly
Fellowships : Variable - please contact unit directly

Core Position Descriptions
The Royal Melbourne Hospital is part of the state-wide neurology training program. Trainees who have been selected onto the program apply to work at Royal Melbourne Hospital through the Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN) Match – details available through

In 2024, RMH has 4 accredited advanced training posts in neurology. There are 4, quarterly rotations, comprising: general ward registrar, stroke registrar, epilepsy registrar and MS/Neuroimmunology registrar. During each rotation, there will be protected time to attend subspecialty clinics, a general outpatient clinic, and neurophysiology, as well as weekly Victorian Brain School and Monthly National Brain School teaching sessions. There are dedicated weekly EEG reporting sessions. Trainees play an integral role in the daily management of inpatients, but there is also a strong commitment to education. There is a 1 in 4 after-hours telephone on-call system for advanced trainees, with a dedicated neurology department basic physician trainee rostered in the hospital 24 hours on weekdays, and after 8:30pm on weekends.

Elective Position Descriptions
Each year varies in the number of elective/fellowship training positions the RMH Neurology department have available. The areas that may have positions on offer in 2025 are:
- Stroke (B Campbell/ B Yan)
- MS/neuroimmunology (T Kalincik / T Kilpatrick)
- Epilepsy (John-Paul Nicolo)
- Neurophysiology/Neuromuscular (L Kiers)
- Cognitive Neurology (A Brodtmann / N Yassi)
- Movement disorders (A Evans)
These posts are advertised between April - July each year on the RMH Careers website. They are often undertaken in the third training year (as non-core training) then move into a fellowship post FRACP. Often this culminates in a PhD. Interested candidates should make contact directly with the relevant head, as detailed above.

Hospital Information

The Department has a strong emphasis on general neurology with particular strengths in stroke, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, dementia and clinical neurophysiology. There is a Comprehensive Stroke Centre, which through collaboration with the Department of Radiology, formed the first Victorian State-wide Stroke Endovascular Centre. There is also a Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, a Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Research Unit and a Department of Clinical Neurophysiology. Other subspecialty interests include movement disorders, neuro-ophthalmology, neurogenetics and cognitive neurology. There are >30 neurologists appointed at the RMH and several clinical and research fellows. There are close links with the University of Melbourne, the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, and the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health. There is a major emphasis on research and postgraduate education. Many members of the Department currently hold NHMRC research grants and/or fellowships.

There are close links with Neurosurgery and the two departments share a clinical neuroscience facility, including a high dependency unit and an epilepsy monitoring unit. In 2019, a new state of the art dedicated RMH stroke and neurology ward was opened, with 31 beds including 8 high acuity stroke beds.

There are 4 core advanced trainee positions as well as rotating junior medical staff, including 4 basic physician trainees, 2 neurology residents and 3 stroke Interns. There is a major interest in brain imaging and an active diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology program.

A year at RMH provides great exposure to common and unusual neurological conditions. The unit is busy, but stimulating, with a strong commitment to registrar training and support. We have an open and respectful Department and the RMH Neurologists pride themselves on support for their trainees. There are considerable opportunities to develop a research interest. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to visit the unit (please contact Ms Natalie Calderwood, PA to the Head of Unit, (03) 9342 8448.

Department Beds :
Thirty-five beds including eight high acuity stroke beds and a four bed video-telemetry unit; High Dependency Unit shared with Neurosurgery.

Department Clinics
General Neurology Clinics; Epilepsy Assessment Clinic; First Seizure Clinic; Stroke Follow Up Clinic; TIA Clinic; Headache Clinic; Neuro-Ophthalmology Clinic; Movement Disorders Clinic; Neuromuscular Clinic; Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Clinic; Neurogenetics Clinic; Botulinum Toxin Clinic, Neurophysiology clinic; Neuro-oncology clinic (PMCC)

Department Specialty Clinics
See Above

Department Meetings
Neuroscience Radiology (combined neurology and neurosurgery) weekly meeting, including monthly neuropathology sessions
Neuroscience seminars
Neurology Clinical Grand Rounds
Neurology Audit and Quality Assurance Meeting
Stroke Radiology, clinical rounds and research meeting
Epilepsy Review meeting
Neuro-Ophthalmology (monthly)
Formal neurophysiology training for advanced trainees
Weekly teaching program for trainees and various subspecialty meetings.
Neuromuscular pathology meeting (3 monthly).

Department Staff
Prof Bruce Campbell, Director of Neurology & Head of Stroke
Dr Belinda Cruse, Deputy Director, Neurophysiology/Neuromuscular Interest
A/Prof Nawaf Yassi, Deputy Director, Stroke and Cognitive Neurology Interest

Dr Hue Mun Au Yong, Epilepsy Interest
Dr Anna Balabanski, Stroke Interest
Prof Amy Brodtmann, Head of Cognitive Neurology
Dr Katherine Buzzard, MS and Neuroimmunology Interest
A/Prof David Darby, Cognitive Interest
Prof Stephen Davis, Director of Melbourne Brain Centre @ RMH, Stroke Interest
Dr Thanuja Dharmadasa, Neurophysiology & MND interest
Prof Geoffrey Donnan, Stroke Interest
Dr Angela Dos Santos, Stroke Interest
Dr Chris Dwyer, MS interest
A/Prof Andrew Evans, Head of Movement Disorders
Dr Anthony Fok, Neuro-ophthalmology Interest
Dr Chris French, Epilepsy interest
Dr Sarah Holper, Cognitive interest
Prof Tomas Kalincik, Head of MS
A/Prof Lyn Kiers, Head of Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuromuscular Interest
Dr Chris Kyndt, Cognitive Interest
Prof Trevor Kilpatrick, MS Interest
Dr Simon Li, Epilepsy interest
Dr Vivien Li, MS interest
Dr Mark Marriott, MS interest
Dr Mastura Monif, MS interest
Dr Jennifer Nagao, Movement Disorders and Headache Interest
Dr Felix Ng, Stroke Interest
Dr Jo-Lyn Ng, Stroke interest
Dr Ai-lan Nguyen, MS Interest
Dr John-Paul Nicolo, Head of Epilepsy
Dr Andreas Pattichis, Epilepsy and Sleep Interest
Dr Prashanth Ramachandran, MS Interest
Dr Subahari Raviskanthan, Neuroophthalmology Interest
Dr Edrich Rodrigues, Neuromuscular interest, Neurophysiologist
Dr Izanne Roos, MS, Neuro-oncology and Headache Interest
Dr Angelos Sharobeam, Stroke interest
Dr Michael Valente, Stroke interest
Dr Cameron Williams, Stroke interest, Neurointerventionalist
Dr Joseph Wong, Stroke interest
Prof Frank Vajda, Epilepsy Research
Dr Christine Wools, Movement Disorders, Neurogenetics and Headache Interest
Prof Bernard Yan, Stroke Interest, Neurointerventionalist
Dr Raju Yerra, Epilepsy interest
Dr Alex Yeung, Movement Disorders interest
Dr Henry Zhao, Stroke Interest

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
Advanced Trainees in Neurology x 4 Basic Physician Trainees x 4 JHMO x 2 (in Neurology) Intern x 3 (in stroke)

Trainee Responsibilities
1. To manage the neurology inpatients, in consultation with consultant
2. To attend outpatient clinics
3. To teach junior staff
4. To learn clinical neurology - history, examination, appropriate investigations, management
5. To develop the professional qualities required to become a consultant physician
6. To coordinate regular departmental meetings

Selection Criteria
As per the ANZAN selection process

Philosophy Of Training
The aim of the Neurology teaching program is to arm trainees with the required skills for the recognition, investigation, diagnosis and treatment of common and / or important neurological disorders. Trainees receive partial funding for and are expected to attend the annual ANZAN scientific meeting.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information
The Advanced trainee works approximately 43 hours per week, with the potential to take an afternoon off where possible. At present the after hours on-call workload is 1 night per week, 1 weekend in 4. Weekday afterhours on-call is a telephone on-call system, with a dedicated in-hospital neurology BPT 24-hours a day. Weekend afterhours involves a consultant led ward round on each day. A dedicated in-hospital neurology BPT is rostered overnight on the weekends from 8:30pm to 8:30am.

Trainee Positions At St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne

St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne
Department of Medicine, St Vincent's Hospital, The University of Melbourne PO Box 2900, Fitzroy 3065
VIC, 3065

Contact Details

Wendyl D'Souza
Phone : +61407948167
www :


Training Positions : Three
Elective Training Positions :
Fellowships :

Core Position Descriptions

Elective Position Descriptions

Hospital Information

St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne comprises approximately 350 beds. The Hospital is one of Melbourne's oldest and is located in the central city. Apart from inner and outer urban centres, it has a major rural referral base.

Department Beds :
The Neurology Department consists of 30 beds, four of which are dedicated video EEG monitoring beds and 13 Stroke beds. An additional two video EEG monitoring beds are shared with the Neurosurgery Department and is used chiefly for invasive monitoring.

Department Clinics
Regular clinics in general neurology and neuromuscular disease are held.In addition movement disorder clinics are held twice weekly, and there are regular neuroophthalmology clinics at the adjoining Eye & Ear Hospital attended by neurologists from the Department. Stroke clinicsDriving clinicsUrgent N/L clinicsFirst Seizure clinics

Department Specialty Clinics

Department Meetings
Weekly neurology meetings, neuroradiology meetings and neuropathology meetings occur at the Hospital. In addition there are weekly epilepsy meetings, as well as the routine hospital meetings including Grand Rounds and Division of Medicine Meetings
There are regular meetings throughout the year of the various specialty societies including epilepsy, movement disorders and stroke. Trainee is encouraged attend the annual EEG workshop in Sydney.

Department Staff
There are currently 14 neurologists on staff; two of these have full time Hospital positions. The rest are visiting medical officers with a variety of sessional allocations.

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
There are three neurology registrars in total, including stroke registrar. There are two neurology residents.

Trainee Responsibilities

Selection Criteria

Philosophy Of Training
this Department combines strong clinical skills with extensive laboratory facilities on site. The major interest has been neuromuscular disease in the past, although for the last 10 years epilepsy has been a major emphasis of the Department. The movement disorder facilities are currently being expanded. The advanced trainee has a considerable degree of responsibility in the running of the Department and as well encouraged to take part in clinical research. Attendance at Hospital and national meetings is encouraged. Many trainees have gone on to pursue higher degrees in basic or clinical research within the Department

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At The Alfred Hospital

The Alfred Hospital
Commercial Rd Melbourne
VIC, 3004

Contact Details

Dr Anna Balabanski
Phone : (03) 9076 2000
www :


Training Positions : Five (including one at Cabrini Hospital)
Elective Training Positions : 10 (see below)
Fellowships : 10 (see below)

Core Position Descriptions
The advanced trainees have 10 or 11-week rotations in Stroke, General Neurology/MSNI,  Epilepsy/Consults, Subacute and Outpatient Neurology (Caulfield Hospital) and Stroke/General Neurology at Cabrini Hospital (STP position). The Stroke registrar has one stroke review clinic, one TIA clinic and one neurophysiology session per week. The General Neurology/MSNI registrar has two neurology clinics and a neurophysiology session per week. The Epilepsy/Consults registrar has one general neurology clinic, one epilepsy clinic and a neurophysiology session per week. The Caufield registrar attends a number of sub-speciality clinics; movement disorders, neuromuscular, headache, Memory (CDAMS) and weekly neurophysiology session at The Alfred. All trainees are encouraged to attend other sub-specialty clinics where possible (Nuero-otology, Neuro-ophthalmology, movement disorders, headache, MS, Neuro-immunologyMemory, Neuro-genetics, ).

The 3-month rotation at Cabrini Hospital has been accredited for General Neurology training and encompasses inpatient and outpatient neurology, neuro-otology, neuro-ophthalmology, electrophysiology, and EEG reporting. This rotation will allow attendance at the Wednesday morning academic meeting. See Cabrini Hospital site for further details regarding this position. All registrars will participate in an after-hours weekend on call roster at the Alfred site (1 in 6 rotation).

Elective Position Descriptions
· Fellowship/Elective position in Movement Disorders. This will include training in Botox treatment, and participation in DBS (Dr Kelly Bertram)
· Neuromuscular/Neurophysiology Fellowship (Dr Mahima Kapoor & Dr Edrich Rodrigues) Fellowship in Epilepsy in with time spent at Alfred Hospital and Royal Melbourne Hospital (not in the match) (A/Prof Andrew Neal & Dr Joshua Laing)
· Stereo-EEG Fellowship (A/Prof Andrew Neal & Dr Joshua Laing)
· Neuromodulation Fellowship (A/Prof Andrew Neal & Dr Hugh Simpson)
· Headache Fellowship. This will include treatment of migraines and include training in Botox treatment (Dr Elspeth Hutton)
· Multiple Sclerosis-Neuroimmunology Fellowship (A/Prof Anneke van der Walt & A/Prof Mastura Monif)
· Neuro-ophthalmology Fellowship (A/Prof Anneke van der Walt)
· Neuroimmunology CAR-T Fellowship (A/Prof Anneke van der Walt & A/Prof Mastura Monif)
· Stroke Fellowship (Prof Geoffrey Cloud & Dr Anna Balabanski)

Hospital Information

The Alfred Hospital, 4 km south of the Melbourne CBD, is a 700-bed acute medical and surgical tertiary hospital, with an additional 90 place elective centre and a 50 bed Psychiatry inpatient Unit on site. The Alfred has a high concentration of state-wide services, including the larger of the two State Trauma Services, HIV Unit, Burns Unit, Heart-Lung Transplant Service, Cystic Fibrosis Service, and Haemophilia Service. Due to the large number of quaternary services, the hospital’s ICU is extensive (48 beds). Within the Alfred Healthcare Network, The Alfred is associated with Caulfield Hospital, where a range of neurorehabilitation, geriatric and psychogeriatric services are provided. The attached AMREP (Alfred Medical Research and Education Precinct) encompasses the Baker Medical Research Institute, the MacFarlane Burnet Research Institute, several departments of Monash University, and the Trauma Institute as well as a number of smaller research groups.

Cabrini Hospital, is 15 minutes’ drive from the Alfred and is one of the two largest stand-alone private hospitals in Melbourne. It has a large and vigorous Neurology and Neurosurgery service, including electrophysiology and neuroradiology. Many of the Alfred VMOs have their private practices at Cabrini.

Department Beds :
The hospital does not recognise the concept of Unit bed numbers, and Neurology inpatient numbers therefore vary according to demand, with an average of about six inpatients.The Stroke Service is geographically located adjacent to the Neurology Unit.

Department Clinics
Two general neurology clinics per week (one new patient; one review). One Stroke clinic per week.

Department Specialty Clinics
Epilepsy Clinics (Epilepsy Surgery & Epilepsy Clinic, both weekly, The Alfred, and Sandringham), Neuromodulation clinic, fortnightly, The Alfred.) Combined Neurology/MS Clinic, weekly at Sandringham. Epilepsy Clinic, weekly, Caufield). Multiple Sclerosis

Department Meetings
· Neurology Clinical Grand Rounds, with case discussions/literature reviews by the Neurology Advanced Trainees, weekly. This includes 10 Neuropathology review sessions throughout the clinical year.
· A weekly Neuroradiology Review session, held in conjunction with the Neuroradiologist.
· Combined Neuroscience Education, led by the Neurosurgical Unit in conjunction with Neurology with attendance from Neuroradiology & INR units. Advanced Trainees present alternately with one of the Neurosurgery Registrars.
· Monthly Movement Disorders Videotape Review session.
· Monthly Video EEG Review session.
· In addition, staff are encouraged to attend The Alfred General Medical Grand Rounds (weekly), at which each Unit presents once or twice per year and is audited biennially.
· Staff are encouraged to attend Monday lunchtime weekly Neuroscience Seminars

Department Staff
Prof. Terence O'Brien (Program Director Alfred Brain & Deputy Director of Research, Alfred Health, Chair of Medicine and Head, The Central Clinical School, Monash University. Epileptologist)

Prof. Helmut Butzkueven (Director of Neurology, Alfred Health, Managing Director, MSBase Foundation & Head, Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School, Monash University. General Neurology & Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Anna Balabanski (Deputy Director Neurology, Alfred Health. Stroke Consultant)

Prof. Geoffrey Cloud (Director of Stroke Medicine, The Alfred. Stroke Consultant) A/Prof. Anneke Van Der Walt (Director MSNI Service & Neuro-ophthalmology Service, Alfred Health, Head MS and Neuro-ophthalmology Group, Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School, Monash University)

Dr Mastura Monif (Head Neuroimmunology Service & Deputy Director MSNI, Alfred Health & Head of Head of Neuroimmunology, Neuroinflammation & Neurological Diseases (N^3) Lab, Monash University. Neurologist)

A/Prof Andrew Neal (Director of Epilepsy, Alfred Health).

Dr Joshua Laing (Deputy Director Epilepsy Service, Alfred Health & Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Kelly Bertram (Head of Movement Disorders Service & Stroke Neurologist)

Dr Mahima Kapoor (Head of Neuromuscular Service, Alfred Health)

Dr Edrich Rodrigues (Head of Clinical Neurophysiology, Alfred Health)

Dr John Waterston (Head of Neuro-otology Service, Alfred Health)

Dr Elspeth Hutton (Head of Headache Service, Alfred Health)

Dr David Darby (Head Cognitive Service, The Alfred)

A/Prof Rubina Alpitsis (Head Neuropsychology Service, The Alfred)

Dr Toby Winton-Brown (Head Neuropsychiatry Service, The Alfred)

Dr Leo Smith (Neuropsychiatry)

Dr Luke Chen (Neuro-otology)

Prof. Patrick Kwan (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Hue-Mun Au Yong (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Emma Foster (Epilepsy Consultant & Headache)

Dr Mark King (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr John-Paul Nicolo (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Andreas Pattichis (Neurosleep Consultant)

Dr Sandra Petty (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Hugh Simpson (Epilepsy & Movement Disorders Consultant)

Dr Anita Vinton (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Cassie Nesbitt (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Nabil Seery (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Olga Skibina (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Tracie Tan (Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Wei Yeh (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Robb Wesselingh (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Michael Zhong (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Jason Ray (Headache)

Dr Trudy Cheng (Headache)

Dr Subahari Raviskanthan (Headache & Neuro-ophthalmology)

Dr Gabrielle Tse (Headache)

Dr Jordan Kamel (Movement Disorders)

Dr Melissa Tang (Movement Disorders)

Prof. Dominic Thyagarajan (Movement Disorders & General Neurology)

A/Prof. Peter Hand (Stroke Consultant)

Dr Tharani Chandran (Stroke Consultant)

Dr Vimal Stanislaus (Stroke Consultant)

Dr Jorge Zavala (Stroke Neurologist)

Dr Duncan Austin (Stroke & General Neurology Consultant)

Dr Blake Colman (Stroke, General Neurology & Neuro-ophthalmology Consultant)

Dr Bruce Day (Clinical Neurophysiology) A/Prof. Richard Stark (General Neurology) Dr Mark Faragher (Neurophysiology)

Dr WenWen Zhang (Neurophysiology)

Prof. Owen White (Neuro-ophthalmology)

Dr Rahul Chakrabarti (Neuro-ophthalmology)

Dr Elle Nguyen (Neuro-ophthalmology)

Dr Trevor Chong (CDAMS)

Dr Helene Roberts (CDAMS)

Dr Honor Coleman (Clinical Neuropsychologist)

Dr Charles Malpas (Clinical Neuropsychologist)

Dr Alissandra McIIroy (Clinical Neuropsychologist)

Dr Genevieve Rayner (Clinical Neuropsychologist)

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
5 x Advanced Trainees in Neurology, 1 x General Medical Unit Advanced Trainee.

Trainee Responsibilities
· The Advanced Trainees are responsible for organising the Inpatient Admission lists, supervising the Neurology RMOs, Stroke Interns and Final Year student electives (Trainee Interns) as appropriate.

· Attending the General Neurology, Stroke Clinics and speciality clinics weekly - as outlined above.

· Presenting cases and literature reviews at the Neurology Grand Rounds, Combined Neuroscience Education meetings, Audits, participating in the multidisciplinary ward meetings with Allied Health personnel and providing continuing education to Nursing staff on the Neurology ward.

· Review ward and Emergency Department referrals on 2 days per week prior to review with the Consultant. (The referral load is steady, as one would expect in a hospital with so many State-wide Services, with 2 -3 referrals per day not uncommon.)

· The advanced trainees are each on call for Neurology and Stroke Services after hours one weekend in six (including Friday night), and one weeknight per week when they are not on call on the weekend.

Selection Criteria
Applicants must have passed the FRACP part 1 examination and must have been approved for advanced training in Neurology by a State (or, since the formation of ANZAN, presumably New Zealand) Advanced Training Committee. The Unit aims to recruit the most talented trainees, and does not favour "local" applicants, or second year trainees, over others. The Unit is open to the possibility of part-time training and will therefore consider applications from pairs of candidates wishing to job share. Such applicants are advised to discuss this option with Prof. Butzkueven well ahead of the matching date, as some methods of job division will fit more easily with the Unit weekly timetable than others.

Philosophy Of Training
The Unit is committed to the principle that Trainees should be exposed to as many styles of neurological thought and practice as possible within the core training years, and that therefore Trainees should not spend more than 12 months in any one Unit, to provide the widest possible breadth of core training experience. Trainees are actively encouraged to attend relevant courses (Registrars Training weekend, Sydney Neuropathology course, Neurovision weekend, EEG course, etc.), while attendance at the monthly National Brain School hook-up and the complementary Melbourne-wide Advanced Training tutorial program, as well as at the AAN Annual Scientific meeting, is considered mandatory. In addition to monthly Unit Neuropathology Review sessions, the hospital's Neuropathologist

(Professor Catriona McLean) is willing to give tutorial sessions for the Advanced Trainees throughout the year, if requested. Where time allows, the Trainees are also encouraged to attend the special clinics listed above.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At University Hospital Geelong, Barwon Health

University Hospital Geelong, Barwon Health
Neurosciences Department Geelong Hospital PO Box 281
VIC, 3220

Contact Details

Dr Caron Chapman
Phone : 03 42150710
www :


Training Positions : 3
Elective Training Positions :
Fellowships :

Core Position Descriptions

Applications for Interview are to be sent to Mr James Dahler via email or contact via phone on 03 4215 0730





Elective Position Descriptions

Hospital Information

University Hospital Geelong is a Deakin University teaching hospital and is situated 75 kilometres south-west of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia, and serves a population catchment of approximately 450,000 people. The Hospital has a full range of specialty surgical and medical services, including paediatrics, obstetrics, cancer and critical care services. There are Professorial Departments in Medicine, Surgery and Psychiatry and a joint clinical school Deakin University. Comprehensive Pathology and Medical Imaging services, including spiral CT and MRI, Dw MRI and MR spectroscopy, support the clinical services.
The hospital is only 25 minutes from some of the best surf beaches in Australia if not the world. It is also one of Australia's premier wine growing regions. It is only 1 hour from Melbourne either by car on a dual lane highway or by train.

Department Beds :
22 NEUROSCIENCE beds 2 video-EEG telemetry beds 15-25 inpatients

Department Clinics
General Neurology Stroke Prevention EMG/NCS ClinicEEG reporting session Epilepsy clinic

Department Specialty Clinics
Stroke prevention and intervention clinics; Progessive Neurology Clinic, Epilepsy Clinic, MS Clinic

Department Meetings
Weekly Neurology Meeting
Weekly Neuroradiology Meeting

Department Staff
A/Prof Paul Talman (Director of Neurosciences)
Dr Ross Carne (Director of Neurophysiology)
Dr Ben Clissold (Director of Neuroscience inpatient service)
Dr Sujith Ayyappan
Dr Abhishek Malhotra
Dr Rohith Makonahalli
Dr Peter Batchelor
Dr Caron Chapman
Dr Cameron Shaw
Dr J P Nicolo.
Dr Cassie Nesbitt
Dr Siew Kar Chan
Dr Sujith Ayyappan
Dr Ben Clissold

Mr Peter McNeill Neurosurgery Consulting
Mr Nick Hall Neurosurgery

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
Stroke Inpatients- AT plus BPT and Resident Neurology Inpatients -AT plus BPT and Resident Ambulatory- AT consultant supervised clinics All Staff participate in the ON-Call roster according to the EBA A detailed hand book and time table of activity will be sent to applicants and discussed at the Information session on the 17th of August 2011.

Trainee Responsibilities
On Call commitment
2 nights per week (1 night if on call for next weekend)
1 weekend in 4 (friday through to sunday)

Attendance at Scientific Meetings. Australian Association of Neurology annual meeting, the EEG Workshop and Neuropathology workshop. Attendance at the AAN meeting and Annual Neuropathology course paid for by neuroscience Department.

Selection Criteria

Philosophy Of Training
The emphasis is on the acquisition of clinical skills and experience in both Stroke and General Neurology in a tertiary care centre (Geelong Hospital is the only public hospital in Geelong, but patients are secondarily referred from the western district) where the very common neurological diseases are managed. Advanced Trainees are encouraged to become involved in clinical research projects and to present at local and national meetings.

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information

Trainee Positions At Western Health

Western Health
Department of Neurology 176, Furlong Road St Albans Vic 3021 Australia
VIC, 3021

Contact Details

Prof. Tissa Wijeratne
Phone : (03) 8345 6070
www :


Training Positions : Two
Elective Training Positions : One
Fellowships : One

Core Position Descriptions
Twelve months in neurology and stroke. The workload is shared between five registrars: two advanced trainees; one BPT; and two advanced trainees in general medicine carrying out subspeciality training in neurology. The advanced trainees will rotate through three months of neurology, three months of stroke, three months of inpatient referrals at the Western campus and finally three months of focused neurophysiology. In addition there are four HMOs, one stroke intern and one or two neurology fellows . Inpatient work entails the management of over 2,000 patients admitted to the unit on an annual basis: About half of these patients have a variety of neurological disorders and the other half have stroke or TIA. There are multiple outpatient clinics: general neurology, acute neurology, stroke, TIA, first seizure, epilepsy, MS clinic and movement disorders. There are four weekly EMG sessions, three EEG reading sessions, and one inpatient video-EEG reporting session. The department holds weekly grand rounds, journal club, neuroradiology meeting and two audits. There is a weekly general medical grand round.

Elective Position Descriptions

Hospital Information

Western Health provides for a catchment of approximately 850,000 in the western suburbs of Melbourne. There are three public hospitals in the region. Sunshine Hospital, where most of the major medical subspecialties including Neurology are located, is a teaching facility for the University of Melbourne. There are two associated referring hospitals: Western Hospital, which has a busy Emergency Department, and Williamstown Hospital. The Clinical School for the University of Melbourne in the west is located at Sunshine Hospital. Western Hospital has state of the art imaging facilities and utilizes Neuropathology Services at Melbourne Health. There is a neurosurgical unit on site.

Department Beds :
25 including four acute stroke beds.

Department Clinics
Neurology and Acute Neurology.

Department Specialty Clinics
TIA. First Seizure. Epilepsy. Movement Disorders. Stroke. EMG, EEG.

Department Meetings
Weekly neurology meeting at Sunshine Hospital on Tuesday.
Weekly journal club at Sunshine Hospital on Tuesday.
Weekly neurology meeting at Royal Melbourne Hospital on Wednesday morning.
Weekly neuroradiology meeting on Friday.
Twice weekly neurology audit: Tuesday and Friday.
Four weekly NCS/EMG teaching sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Three weekly EEG teaching and reading sessions.
One weekly inpatient video-EEG telemetry meeting.

Department Staff
Department Staff

Prof Tissa Wijeratne. Head, Department of Neurology & Stroke Service . Special interest: Stroke , headache medicine , Movements disorders, education and research
Dr Victor Chong. Special interest: Multiple Sclerosis, CNS infections.
A/Prof Zelko Matkovic. Special interest: Epilepsy
Dr Hans Tu. Special interest: Stroke, general neurology
Dr Simon Li. Special interest: Neurophysiology and Epilepsy
Dr Simon Sung. Special interest: Movement Disorders.
Dr Abhishek Malhotra: Special interest: Neurophysiology.
Dr Sujith Ayyappan: Special interest; Neurophysiology
Dr Martin Short: Special interest;Multiple Sclerosis, neurophysiology
Dr Nyan Lynn: Special interest; Neurophysiology
Dr Kar Yan Lo: General neurology, Education & Training
Dr Cynthia Chen. Special interest: General neurology & Epilepsy

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
Two advanced trainees in neurology. Two advanced tainees in General Medicine on rotation to Neurology. One Basic Physician Trainee on rotation to Neurology. Four HMOs (2nd or 3rd year graduates). One Stroke Intern One or two Neurology Fellows.

Trainee Responsibilities
Organising inpatient admissions, supervision of HMOs in the care of inpatients, attending outpatients, review of patients referred to the neurology unit, undertaking neurophysiology investigations under consultant supervision (four sessions per week), reading EEGs with consultant supervision, regular presentations at the Western Health neurology grand round and attendance at the at RMH weekly neurology grand round, participating in clinical trials, and attending multidisciplinary ward meetings with allied health staff.
The trainee is encouraged to attend relevant courses and meetings in Melbourne and elsewhere in Australia.
On call for Neurology: one in five.

Selection Criteria
As outlined by the ANZAN and RACP.

Philosophy Of Training

Neurology Training In State

Further Information

Other Information
There is an active neuroscience research program in our department. Our head of the department Prof. Tissa Wijeratne is also the current director, Academic Medicine, University Department of Medicine ,University of Melbourne, Sunshine Hospital, St Albans . The academic department facilitate and encourage prospective trainees to take up a higher degree within the department of Medicine ( Stroke, multiple sclerosis, neuro ophthalmology with strong collaboration with Department of Neurosciences, La Trobe University & Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne ). If you are interested in pursuing a higher research degree in neurology , contact our academic coordinator ( tele: 61-3-83958119) .