Trainee Positions At The Alfred Hospital

The Alfred Hospital
Commercial Rd
VIC, 3004

Contact Details

Dr Anna Balabanski
Phone : (03) 9076 2000
www :


Training Positions : Five (including one at Cabrini Hospital)
Elective Training Positions : 10 (see below)
Fellowships : 10 (see below)

Core Position Descriptions
The advanced trainees have 10 or 11-week rotations in Stroke, General Neurology/MSNI,  Epilepsy/Consults, Subacute and Outpatient Neurology (Caulfield Hospital) and Stroke/General Neurology at Cabrini Hospital (STP position). The Stroke registrar has one stroke review clinic, one TIA clinic and one neurophysiology session per week. The General Neurology/MSNI registrar has two neurology clinics and a neurophysiology session per week. The Epilepsy/Consults registrar has one general neurology clinic, one epilepsy clinic and a neurophysiology session per week. The Caufield registrar attends a number of sub-speciality clinics; movement disorders, neuromuscular, headache, Memory (CDAMS) and weekly neurophysiology session at The Alfred. All trainees are encouraged to attend other sub-specialty clinics where possible (Nuero-otology, Neuro-ophthalmology, movement disorders, headache, MS, Neuro-immunologyMemory, Neuro-genetics, ).

The 3-month rotation at Cabrini Hospital has been accredited for General Neurology training and encompasses inpatient and outpatient neurology, neuro-otology, neuro-ophthalmology, electrophysiology, and EEG reporting. This rotation will allow attendance at the Wednesday morning academic meeting. See Cabrini Hospital site for further details regarding this position. All registrars will participate in an after-hours weekend on call roster at the Alfred site (1 in 6 rotation).

Elective Position Descriptions
· Fellowship/Elective position in Movement Disorders. This will include training in Botox treatment, and participation in DBS (Dr Kelly Bertram)
· Neuromuscular/Neurophysiology Fellowship (Dr Mahima Kapoor & Dr Edrich Rodrigues) Fellowship in Epilepsy in with time spent at Alfred Hospital and Royal Melbourne Hospital (not in the match) (A/Prof Andrew Neal & Dr Joshua Laing)
· Stereo-EEG Fellowship (A/Prof Andrew Neal & Dr Joshua Laing)
· Neuromodulation Fellowship (A/Prof Andrew Neal & Dr Hugh Simpson)
· Headache Fellowship. This will include treatment of migraines and include training in Botox treatment (Dr Elspeth Hutton)
· Multiple Sclerosis-Neuroimmunology Fellowship (A/Prof Anneke van der Walt & A/Prof Mastura Monif)
· Neuro-ophthalmology Fellowship (A/Prof Anneke van der Walt)
· Neuroimmunology CAR-T Fellowship (A/Prof Anneke van der Walt & A/Prof Mastura Monif)
· Stroke Fellowship (Prof Geoffrey Cloud & Dr Anna Balabanski)

Hospital Information

The Alfred Hospital, 4 km south of the Melbourne CBD, is a 700-bed acute medical and surgical tertiary hospital, with an additional 90 place elective centre and a 50 bed Psychiatry inpatient Unit on site. The Alfred has a high concentration of state-wide services, including the larger of the two State Trauma Services, HIV Unit, Burns Unit, Heart-Lung Transplant Service, Cystic Fibrosis Service, and Haemophilia Service. Due to the large number of quaternary services, the hospital’s ICU is extensive (48 beds). Within the Alfred Healthcare Network, The Alfred is associated with Caulfield Hospital, where a range of neurorehabilitation, geriatric and psychogeriatric services are provided. The attached AMREP (Alfred Medical Research and Education Precinct) encompasses the Baker Medical Research Institute, the MacFarlane Burnet Research Institute, several departments of Monash University, and the Trauma Institute as well as a number of smaller research groups.

Cabrini Hospital, is 15 minutes’ drive from the Alfred and is one of the two largest stand-alone private hospitals in Melbourne. It has a large and vigorous Neurology and Neurosurgery service, including electrophysiology and neuroradiology. Many of the Alfred VMOs have their private practices at Cabrini.

Department Beds :
The hospital does not recognise the concept of Unit bed numbers, and Neurology inpatient numbers therefore vary according to demand, with an average of about six inpatients.The Stroke Service is geographically located adjacent to the Neurology Unit.

Department Clinics
Two general neurology clinics per week (one new patient; one review). One Stroke clinic per week.

Department Specialty Clinics
Epilepsy Clinics (Epilepsy Surgery & Epilepsy Clinic, both weekly, The Alfred, and Sandringham), Neuromodulation clinic, fortnightly, The Alfred.) Combined Neurology/MS Clinic, weekly at Sandringham. Epilepsy Clinic, weekly, Caufield). Multiple Sclerosis

Department Meetings
· Neurology Clinical Grand Rounds, with case discussions/literature reviews by the Neurology Advanced Trainees, weekly. This includes 10 Neuropathology review sessions throughout the clinical year.
· A weekly Neuroradiology Review session, held in conjunction with the Neuroradiologist.
· Combined Neuroscience Education, led by the Neurosurgical Unit in conjunction with Neurology with attendance from Neuroradiology & INR units. Advanced Trainees present alternately with one of the Neurosurgery Registrars.
· Monthly Movement Disorders Videotape Review session.
· Monthly Video EEG Review session.
· In addition, staff are encouraged to attend The Alfred General Medical Grand Rounds (weekly), at which each Unit presents once or twice per year and is audited biennially.
· Staff are encouraged to attend Monday lunchtime weekly Neuroscience Seminars

Department Staff
Prof. Terence O'Brien (Program Director Alfred Brain & Deputy Director of Research, Alfred Health, Chair of Medicine and Head, The Central Clinical School, Monash University. Epileptologist)

Prof. Helmut Butzkueven (Director of Neurology, Alfred Health, Managing Director, MSBase Foundation & Head, Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School, Monash University. General Neurology & Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Anna Balabanski (Deputy Director Neurology, Alfred Health. Stroke Consultant)

Prof. Geoffrey Cloud (Director of Stroke Medicine, The Alfred. Stroke Consultant) A/Prof. Anneke Van Der Walt (Director MSNI Service & Neuro-ophthalmology Service, Alfred Health, Head MS and Neuro-ophthalmology Group, Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School, Monash University)

Dr Mastura Monif (Head Neuroimmunology Service & Deputy Director MSNI, Alfred Health & Head of Head of Neuroimmunology, Neuroinflammation & Neurological Diseases (N^3) Lab, Monash University. Neurologist)

A/Prof Andrew Neal (Director of Epilepsy, Alfred Health).

Dr Joshua Laing (Deputy Director Epilepsy Service, Alfred Health & Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Kelly Bertram (Head of Movement Disorders Service & Stroke Neurologist)

Dr Mahima Kapoor (Head of Neuromuscular Service, Alfred Health)

Dr Edrich Rodrigues (Head of Clinical Neurophysiology, Alfred Health)

Dr John Waterston (Head of Neuro-otology Service, Alfred Health)

Dr Elspeth Hutton (Head of Headache Service, Alfred Health)

Dr David Darby (Head Cognitive Service, The Alfred)

A/Prof Rubina Alpitsis (Head Neuropsychology Service, The Alfred)

Dr Toby Winton-Brown (Head Neuropsychiatry Service, The Alfred)

Dr Leo Smith (Neuropsychiatry)

Dr Luke Chen (Neuro-otology)

Prof. Patrick Kwan (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Hue-Mun Au Yong (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Emma Foster (Epilepsy Consultant & Headache)

Dr Mark King (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr John-Paul Nicolo (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Andreas Pattichis (Neurosleep Consultant)

Dr Sandra Petty (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Hugh Simpson (Epilepsy & Movement Disorders Consultant)

Dr Anita Vinton (Epilepsy Consultant)

Dr Cassie Nesbitt (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Nabil Seery (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Olga Skibina (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Tracie Tan (Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Wei Yeh (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Robb Wesselingh (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Michael Zhong (Multiple Sclerosis)

Dr Jason Ray (Headache)

Dr Trudy Cheng (Headache)

Dr Subahari Raviskanthan (Headache & Neuro-ophthalmology)

Dr Gabrielle Tse (Headache)

Dr Jordan Kamel (Movement Disorders)

Dr Melissa Tang (Movement Disorders)

Prof. Dominic Thyagarajan (Movement Disorders & General Neurology)

A/Prof. Peter Hand (Stroke Consultant)

Dr Tharani Chandran (Stroke Consultant)

Dr Vimal Stanislaus (Stroke Consultant)

Dr Jorge Zavala (Stroke Neurologist)

Dr Duncan Austin (Stroke & General Neurology Consultant)

Dr Blake Colman (Stroke, General Neurology & Neuro-ophthalmology Consultant)

Dr Bruce Day (Clinical Neurophysiology) A/Prof. Richard Stark (General Neurology) Dr Mark Faragher (Neurophysiology)

Dr WenWen Zhang (Neurophysiology)

Prof. Owen White (Neuro-ophthalmology)

Dr Rahul Chakrabarti (Neuro-ophthalmology)

Dr Elle Nguyen (Neuro-ophthalmology)

Dr Trevor Chong (CDAMS)

Dr Helene Roberts (CDAMS)

Dr Honor Coleman (Clinical Neuropsychologist)

Dr Charles Malpas (Clinical Neuropsychologist)

Dr Alissandra McIIroy (Clinical Neuropsychologist)

Dr Genevieve Rayner (Clinical Neuropsychologist)

Junior Staff Positions In Neurology
5 x Advanced Trainees in Neurology, 1 x General Medical Unit Advanced Trainee.

Trainee Responsibilities
· The Advanced Trainees are responsible for organising the Inpatient Admission lists, supervising the Neurology RMOs, Stroke Interns and Final Year student electives (Trainee Interns) as appropriate.

· Attending the General Neurology, Stroke Clinics and speciality clinics weekly - as outlined above.

· Presenting cases and literature reviews at the Neurology Grand Rounds, Combined Neuroscience Education meetings, Audits, participating in the multidisciplinary ward meetings with Allied Health personnel and providing continuing education to Nursing staff on the Neurology ward.

· Review ward and Emergency Department referrals on 2 days per week prior to review with the Consultant. (The referral load is steady, as one would expect in a hospital with so many State-wide Services, with 2 -3 referrals per day not uncommon.)

· The advanced trainees are each on call for Neurology and Stroke Services after hours one weekend in six (including Friday night), and one weeknight per week when they are not on call on the weekend.

Selection Criteria
Applicants must have passed the FRACP part 1 examination and must have been approved for advanced training in Neurology by a State (or, since the formation of ANZAN, presumably New Zealand) Advanced Training Committee. The Unit aims to recruit the most talented trainees, and does not favour "local" applicants, or second year trainees, over others. The Unit is open to the possibility of part-time training and will therefore consider applications from pairs of candidates wishing to job share. Such applicants are advised to discuss this option with Prof. Butzkueven well ahead of the matching date, as some methods of job division will fit more easily with the Unit weekly timetable than others.

Philosophy Of Training
The Unit is committed to the principle that Trainees should be exposed to as many styles of neurological thought and practice as possible within the core training years, and that therefore Trainees should not spend more than 12 months in any one Unit, to provide the widest possible breadth of core training experience. Trainees are actively encouraged to attend relevant courses (Registrars Training weekend, Sydney Neuropathology course, Neurovision weekend, EEG course, etc.), while attendance at the monthly National Brain School hook-up and the complementary Melbourne-wide Advanced Training tutorial program, as well as at the AAN Annual Scientific meeting, is considered mandatory. In addition to monthly Unit Neuropathology Review sessions, the hospital's Neuropathologist

(Professor Catriona McLean) is willing to give tutorial sessions for the Advanced Trainees throughout the year, if requested. Where time allows, the Trainees are also encouraged to attend the special clinics listed above.

Neurology Training In State
Weekly state-based advanced trainee lectures and monthly National Brain School lectures.

Other Information